Writing/Blogging Resources

Writing/Blogging Resources

Editorial Calendar: WordPress plugin that allows you to organise and manage your blog.

ZenPen: A minimalist writing zone, where you can block out all distractions and get to what’s important. The writing!

Headline Analyzer: A nice tool that looks at your headlines and gives you a detailed breakdown of why and how you should improve yours based off of emotions.

Copyscape: A plagiarism checker. that is needed.

Plagspotter: An accurate online duplicate content checker! Instantly find copies of your web page.

Small PDF: Even though the title may say PDF, they have a number of other features like converting one file type to another. 

The Most Dangerous Writing App: Labelled as the words most dangerous writing app and I see why. You have 5 minutes to keep writing otherwise you lose everything.

Guest Post Tracker: Easily submit your guest posts to the biggest guest blogging sites on the internet.

PDF Escape: If you are looking for a PDF editor, here is one you can add to your list.

Biz Sugar: A site you can share your content to once you have clicked publish on your blog post.

Triberr: Helps you get a lot more shares with the power of tribes.

Blog Topic Generator: Stuck on what to write about? This tool helps with the dreaded block.

Plagiarism Search: It’s always good to see if the copy you have is original and this is a site for you to check if it is.

Typedesk: Typedesk adds powerful canned responses to your ticketing system, email client, social network, document editor, and anywhere you need canned responses.

Headline Analyser: Check headlines, blog titles, and more for quality and clickability.

Convert Case: Accidentally left the caps lock on and typed something, but can’t be bothered to start again and retype it all?

Text Analyzer: Assess your content’s readability, emotion, gender bias, passive voice, and useful stats.

Swipe-Worthy: Where marketers & copywriters go to get inspired & learn the secret psychology of top marketing promotions.

Cliché Finder: This tool finds and highlights clichés in your writing so you can remove them.

The Official Written? Kitten!: The Internet’s best write-reward system! Write one hundred words, get an image of a kitten!

Pro Writing Aid: Its grammar and style checker contains over 3,000 explanations and videos written by experts, so you don’t need to remember all those crazy rules.